Here is a listing of all the camps I am teaching this summer. Click the venue name to be connected to their site to register!
NCMA- elementary school ages-
July 24-28- Color your World
August 7-11 ArtBots
Artspace- June 26-30 Mural painting- Comics extravaganza! ages 11-16 During this interactive class, students will be immersed in the styles and techniques of mural painting. Working as team, the class will create a collaborative mural based on comic book characters, classic and created! Make new friends and paint an imaginative scene that will be visible to the public!
Wild at Art- July 10- 24- Big Animal Sculpture ages 6-12 Imagine creating your own wild animal, pet or farm animal sculpture. We will build our own animals out of newspaper, cardboard, masking tape and wire. Then cover with paster and paint, adding details and personality. Add accessories or a baby animal to go with.
Artspace- July 17-21- Creative Character sculptures ages 7-10. Bring the characters of your imagination to life! Students will build large scale creature sculptures using newspaper, masking tape, cardboard, plaster and acrylic paint.
Artspace- July 31- August 4- Painting- Animal Personalities. ages 7-10. Join us as we make a series of small paintings using animal personalities as subject matter. Explore acrylic, watercolor, collage, pen and ink and mixed media as we focus on finishing a painting each day. We will experiment with sketching ideas, color mixing and applications to add personality to your pieces.
Wild at Art- August 21-25. Comic Book Art ages 6-12. Using comics as inspiration, we will create our own characters to use for comics, sketchbooks, and paintings. Learn the art of pen and ink on paper, then make a large acrylic painting based on preparatory drawings.